
-conducting social research to study youth problems and preparing information and analytical documents based on their results;

-forming a database of youth problems;

-development of proposals for the study of youth problems and the introduction of advanced foreign methods for their solution;

-development of projects on regulatory legal documents related to the activities of the department;

-elaboration of proposals for the development of contacts in the study of youth issues;

-participation in local and international research grants on topics related to the study of youth problems;

-scientific and practical cooperation with national and international research centers;

-coordination of the activities of the departments of the Institute for Monitoring of the youth index and Strategic analysis of the youth development.


-conducting social researches using sociological, analytical and scientific methods to study the problems of youth;

-preparation of analytical materials on urgent problems of youth and the development of proposals for their practical solution;

-study the best foreign experience in solving youth problems and, on this basis, develop proposals for bringing youth policy in the republic to a new level;

-monitoring of important news and information digests on youth policy in the country and abroad, constant informing of the management of the institute;

-study of youth problems by region and industry, formation of a database of problems and development of practical proposals for their elimination;

-preparation of draft regulations on the activities of the department;

-liaise with relevant departments of other ministries, departments and organizations within the framework of the analytical activities of the Institute;

-participation in conferences, seminars, round tables and other events dedicated to solving youth problems at the national and international levels;

-discussions with departments and cooperation with government and public organizations in order to identify areas of research on relevant issues;

-identification of foreign research institutes for cooperation and the establishment of appropriate relations with them;

-preparation of relevant documents for participation in national and international scientific grants and their submission to the scientific department;

-determine and develop the analytical skills of students of the Institute by preparing information and analytical materials on various topics.

The Department has four staff and there operate:


Head of Department – Abdukhamidov Ismoil Abdumalik o’g’li

E-mail: abdukhamidovismoil@gmail.com



The main specialis – Orzimurodov Choriyor Jamol o‘g‘li

E-mail: choriyororzimurodov@gmail.com


The main specialis – Tadjidinov Iskandar Baxodir o’g’li

E-mail: аlext_91@mail.ru



Leading specialis – Abduqakhkhorov Farrukh Erkin o’g’li

E-mail: 5172093@gmail.com

Tel.: +998 71 232 61 29, E-mail: tahlil@yomi.uz