The department of “Development of management skills and leadership qualities” is a structural unit of the Institute, established in accordance with the structure approved by the Resolution of the President the Republic of Uzbekistan on June 30, 2020, PR-4768, “On the organization of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan
During the activity of the department the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers, orders of the Director, the Charter of the Institute applies to documents.
The main purpose of the department is to teach students the theory of management, its psychological bases, specific aspects of management and leadership, the development of initiative and personal leadership qualities, as well as in-depth analysis of system analysis, strategic planning, logical thinking, strategic decision making, human capital management, financial literacy, education and research in this field.
Also, based on the general goals and objectives of the institute, the department carries out educational, methodological, scientific-methodological, research work in one or more related disciplines, academic support is provided for training courses for promising young people in government, public and economic administration, public organizations, as well as organizational, spiritual, educational and other educational work.
Based on the purpose of the department, the following main tasks are defined:
– training of competitive management personnel who meet high moral and ethical requirements, have high qualifications and deep professional knowledge;
– organization of training courses for young promising personnel of public authorities, public and economic administration authorities, public organizations, recommended by the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
– carrying out of actions on management of qualifying practice of listeners, course work, the final qualifying work, introduction of rating control of an assessment of knowledge of listeners and the organization of independent work;
– conducting research in the field of management, social psychology and sociology;
– creating a socio-psychological portrait of each listener on the basis of psychological and sociological tests and to develop an approximate professional trajectory of graduates.
Based on the main tasks, the functions of teachers of the department are defined as follows:
– develops curricula on the disciplines of the department and submits them for approval in the prescribed manner, as well as prepares reviews and conclusions on the curricula prepared by related departments;
– regularly conducts and improves the comparative analysis of state educational standards, curricula and programs of the department with the educational programs of developed countries;
– prepares textbooks, manuals, methodical and methodical instructions;
– creates textbooks, teaching, methodological and visual aids, reprinted textbooks, manuals and teaching materials on the subjects taught at the department, as well as provides conclusions on the literature co-authored with foreign scholars;
– organizes professional refreshing trainings of teachers and ensures their participation in republican and international scientific conferences;
– in accordance with the annual program of professional development of the Institute increases the scientific and pedagogical, spiritual and educational potential of the staff of the department and organizes work aimed at perfect mastery of foreign languages;
– introduces modern pedagogical and information-communication technologies, assists young teachers in acquiring pedagogical skills and abilities, creates an information base, promotes the effective use of modern pedagogical aids in teaching, individual teaching and independent learning methods, organizes teaching in special classrooms equipped with modern computer technology, creates and develops the model of distance learning.
The department “Development of management skills and leadership qualities”, “State Youth Policy”, “Problems among young people and technologies to overcome them”, “Development of entrepreneurial skills in youth”, “Fundamentals of Civil Society”, “Economic Policy”, “Financial Literacy”, “System Analysis”, “Psychology of management”, “Sociology of management”, “Leadership and leadership methods”, “Psychology of leadership”, “Public Communication and Public Speaking Skills”, “Modern Management”, “Strategic Management”, “Human Resource Management” and “Fundamentals of Project Management” training courses.
Name:Mirkholiqova Charos Khabibullayevna
Position: Head of the department
Academic degree and academic title:
Pedagogical experience: 14 years
Name: Begmatov Abdullajon Sirojiddinovich
Position: Professor
Academic degree and academic title: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Pedagogical experience: 53 years
Name. Jalilov Aktam Tashnazarovich
Position: Professor
Academic degree and academic title: Doctor of Sciences, Professor
Pedagogical experience: 26 years
F.I.Sh. Yunusov Alisher Bobomuradovich
Lavozimi: Associate Professor
Ilmiy darajasi va ilmiy unvoni:Candidate of Sociological Sciences
Pedagogik staji: 20 year
Name: Kadyrov Kamoliddin Botirovich
Position: Professor
Academic degree and academic title: Doctor of Psychological Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor
Pedagogical experience: 22 years
Name:Mingbayeva Nozimakhon Ismatilla kizi
Position: A senior teacher
Academic degree and academic title: Candidate of Sociological Sciences (PhD)
Pedagogical experience: 2 years
Name: Shodiev Tohir Ochilovich
Position: A senior teacher
Academic degree and academic title: A Senior teacher, master`s degree
Pedagogical experience: 4 years
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