-development of forecasts based on strategic analysis of youth problems and projects;
-development of concepts, strategies and schemes for raising the state youth policy to a new level;
-development of projects of normative legal documents related to the activities of the department;
-development of proposals for the development of international relations of the institute in the field of strategic planning of state youth policy;
-participation in local and international research grants for strategic planning of state youth policy.
-development of forecasts through in-depth analysis of youth problems identified during research and studies, as well as proposed youth projects;
-development of concepts, strategies, schemes and various analytical infographics for young people and the study of their implementation in practice;
-study of foreign experience of strategic solutions to youth problems;
-monitoring of important news of youth policy in the country and abroad;
-preparation of draft regulations on the activities of the department;
-participation in conferences, seminars, round tables on youth issues at the national and international levels and participation in other events.
The Department has four staff and there operate: