2-course doktorant(PhD):

Goyibov Elyor Ilkhomovich (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 22.00.02 – Social structure, social institutions and lifestyle

Approved dissertation topic: The role of non-governmental non-profit organizations in increasing the social activity of (the) youth in educational institutions

Scientific consultant: Doctor of sociology, professor B.Karimov

Butayeva Xurshida Yuldashovna (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 22.00.02. – Social structure, social institutions and lifestyle.

Approved dissertation topic: Mechanisms to increase the social mobility of the children’s home educators..

Scientific consultant: Doctor of sociology, professor M.Bekmurodov

Toʻychiyeva Ra’no Almamatovna (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 23.00.02. – Political institutions, processes and technologies

Approved dissertation topic: Conceptual foundations of india’s foreign policy in modern geopolitical changes

Scientific consultant: Doctor of political sciences, professor N.Joʻrayev


Abdullayeva Taxmina Baxtiyor qizi (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 23.00.02. – Political institutions, processes and technologies..

Approved dissertation topic:Conceptual foundations of india’s foreign policy in modern geopolitical changes.

Scientific consultant: Doctor of political sciences, professor Q.Joʻrayev


Otajonov Elyor Ahadjon oʻgʻli (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 23.00.02.–Political institutions, processes and technologies.

Approved dissertation topic: Administrative reforms and their role in transforming society.

Scientific consultant: Doctor of political sciences, professor M.Qirgizboyev


Ibroximova Ma’muraxon Alijon qizi (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 19.00.05.–Social psychology. Ethnopsychology

Approved dissertation topic: Improvement of the socio-psychological diagnostic system of formation of the reserve of managerial personnel

Scientific consultant: Doctor of psychological sciences, professor A.Rasulov


Xudayqulova Nazokat Rajab qizi (funded doctoral)

Specialty: 19.00.05. – Psychology. Ethnopsychology.

Approved dissertation topic: Socio-psychological characteristics of couples who are not legally married.

Scientific consultant: Doctor of psychological sciences, professor X.Abdusattorov