1. Maqsad Isabayev. O‘zbekistonni rivojlantirish strategiyasi (Harakatlar strategiyasidan – Taraqqiyot strategiyasi sari). O‘quv qo‘llanma 2. Maqsad Isabayev. Role of public control in the activities of representative authorities in the locations. Ilmiy maqola 3. Maqsad Isabayev. The importance of cooperation between local representatives and public institutions in management decision-making. Ilmiy maqola 4. Maqsad Isabayev. Theoretical basis of establishment state bodies in local government. Ilmiy maqola 5. Maqsad Isabayev. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of government authorities in local government. Tezis 6. Maqsad Isabayev. Mahalliy boshqaruvdagi nomarkazlashuv jarayonida hokimiyat organlari va mahalliy o‘zini o‘zi boshqarish konsepsiyasi.Tezis 7. Maqsad Isabayev. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi mahalliy davlat hokimiyati vakillik organlari faoliyati samaradorligini oshirish mexanizmlari. Monografiya 8. Maqsad Isabayev. The importance of political decisions in the field of governance in the development of statehood. Ilmiy maqola 9. Maqsad Isabayev.Improving the activities of the Council of People’s Deputies is an important factor in making effective decisions in the local government. Tezis. 10. Maqsad Isabayev. Making decision on the socio-economical development of areas by people’s deputies in local council. Tezis. 11. Maqsad Isabayev. The fraction is a main point in the political decision-making process in parliament. Ilmiy maqola