The conference will be organized in the following directions:
- Orienting the youth of New Uzbekistan to the profession.
- Pedagogical and psychological issues of preparing young people for family.
- Legal problems of modern youth.
The order of the scientific-practical conference: The conference will be held on November 22, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent, I.Karimov Street, 45), as well as the Zoom online platform is conducted through The conference will be held in a hybrid format (online and offline), and will be attended by scientists from the world’s leading universities, representatives of international organizations, and young scientists (doctoral students, independent researchers, masters and bachelors).
The scientific articles of the participants of the scientific-practical conference are accepted based on the following requirements:
- Scientific articles should be devoted to the current issues of the conference, should include the results of unique scientific research conducted using modern research methodology, based on completed ideas, with relevant suggestions and recommendations;
- Scientific articles are accepted by leading experts in the field with at least one review;
- Texts of scientific articles are written on A4 paper at a distance of 2 cm from the top and bottom, 3 cm from the left, and 1.5 cm from the right. Must be done in one copy. The title of the article is written in capital letters, after 1.5 intervals the full name of the author, after 1 interval the name of the organization (place of work or study) and the city. Then 1.5 spaces are left and the text content is written 1.5 lines apart.
- Brief annotation of articles should not exceed 6-8 lines. When the research problem is described, brief information about its relevance, the methodology used to explain the research problem, the research results, and the author’s scientific and practical contribution to the full content of the article are provided.
- Keywords are words that briefly describe the content and purpose of the article
(8-12 words) and should be indicated separately in the article.
- Tables, charts and graphs should be located in the text of the article, easy to read and understand, and have numbered headings and clearly defined columns.
must be. The information in them should correspond to the numbers in the text, but should not repeat the information in it. References to tables should be included in the text.
- At the end of the article, a list of used literature is given, indicating the author, title, publisher, year of publication, the page from which the opinion was taken or based on, and the specified punctuation marks.
- An electronic copy of the text in MS Word format, Times New Roman font, size 14 kegel, at least 5 pages and on average up to 15 pages. Electronic copy of the article (RTF) and
a scanned copy (PDF) with the reviewer’s signature should be sent to (e-mail) or @YouthConference2024 (telegram).
- Conference materials from September 25 to October 25, 2024 to the organizing committee of the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and Prospective Personnel Training under the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan (I.Karimov Street, 45, Tashkent) conference24@yomi .uz (email) or @YouthConference2024 (telegram). Articles with advanced ideas will be published in the Proceedings of the Scientific Conference.
- Articles are checked in the appropriate program for plagiarism.
Articles are accepted in Uzbek, Russian and English. Articles in English are preferred.
The articles are selected by the scientific organizing committee.
Articles that do not meet the specified requirements will not be published and the manuscript will not be returned.
The author(s) are responsible for the presented data and their scientific-theoretical justification and methodological aspects of the article.