The defense of 5 doctoral students of the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel under Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the areas of psychology, political science and economics took place.
In particular,
1. Ergashev Jahangir Jamoliddinovich
Specialization: 08.00.13 – Management.
2. Azimova Nazokat Telmanovna
Specialization: 19.00.05 – Social psychology. Ethnopsychology.
3. Shukurov Rustam Eshankulovich
Specialization: 19.00.05 – Social psychology. Ethnopsychology.
4. Lukhmanova Zarina Talibovna
Specialization: 23.00.02 – Political institutions, processes and technologies.
5. Usmanov Adkham Azamkhonovich
Specialization: 08.00.13 – Management and 08.00.10 – Demography. Labor Economics.

✅ You can read the abstracts of researchers in detail at the link

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