Discussion at the next scientific council

Yesterday, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute was held, where the following issues were discussed: The monitoring report on the scientific activities of the Institute’s doctoral candidates, independent researchers, and research interns, and its approval; The report on the activities of the commission regarding the admission of candidates for doctoral studies…

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Defense of the Graduation Thesis on the Topic: “Improving the Organizational and Economic Mechanism for Developing Management Competencies in Civil Servants”

On December 24th of this year, Saidov Sarvar Khayrulloyevich defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, specializing in “Management” (08.00.13). During the defense process, the attendees discussed the relevant issues identified within the scope of the thesis topic and proposed solutions and suggestions for addressing these issues. The members…

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Globalization of the International Geopolitical Situation and Its Impact on the Life of Our Country

Taking into account that this year has been declared by the President of our country as the “Year of Supporting Youth and Business,” additional support will be provided for the proposals and initiatives of young employees in the internal affairs system. Furthermore, the cooperation between government bodies, public organizations, and scientific institutions with active youth…

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The Republic Scientific-Practical Conference on the topic “Modern Youth in the Context of Global Changes: Problems and Prospects” was held.

On November 22 of this year, a Republican scientific-practical conference titled “Modern Youth in the Context of Global Changes: Problems and Perspectives” was held at the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and the Preparation of Prospective Personnel. The conference was attended by specialists and professors from various scientific research and educational organizations of…

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“An international roundtable on the topic ‘Central Asia’s Unity Policy: Uzbekistan’s Role in Ensuring Regional Stability’ was organized.”

“At the international roundtable on the topic “Central Asia’s Unity Policy: Uzbekistan’s Role in Ensuring Regional Stability,” scientifically grounded proposals will be developed. The international roundtable, organized in cooperation with the Academy and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Representative Office in Uzbekistan, brought together leaders of the State Administration Academies from Central Asian countries, foreign experts…

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The conference will be organized in the following directions: Orienting the youth of New Uzbekistan to the profession. Pedagogical and psychological issues of preparing young people for family. Legal problems of modern youth.   The order of the scientific-practical conference: The conference will be held on November 22, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m….

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Scientific dissertation work on the topic “Information and communication space as a mechanism for improving the well-being of the youth of Uzbekistan”

On May 14, practical training for doctoral students and trainees-researchers will be held at the Institute for the Study of the Problem of Youth and the Preparation of Prospective Personnel. In it, the 3rd-degree doctoral student Akhmedova Rano presented information on chapter I of her dissertation “Information and communication space as a mechanism for improving…

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Practical training for Phd sudents

On April 25 of this year, an internship was held for doctoral students and research interns at the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and the Training of Prospective Personnel. In it, 2nd stage doctoral student Abdullaeva Takhmina Bakhtiyer kizi gave theoretical and methodological information on her scientific dissertation work on the topic “Modern…

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Institutning 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinlovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” nomli ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi

Yoshlar o‘rtasida ma’naviyatini yuksaltirish, ma’rifatparvarlik, bag‘rikenglik, mehr-muruvvat, bunyodkorlik kabi ezgu fazilatlar va qadriyatlarimizni keng targ‘ib qilish maqsadida joriy yilning 22-aprel kuni Muqimiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston davlat musiqali teatri bilan hamkorlikda 2-davra 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinglovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi.  

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