According to the analysis of the Institute for the Research of Youth Problems and the Training of Prospective Personnel, today the country’s youth use their free time – to read fiction and scientific literature (17%), watch TV and listen to the radio (14%), earn extra money and earn extra money (14%), Internet, social networks and…

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According to a study by the Institute for the Research of Youth Problems and the Training of Prospective Personnel, today about half of Uzbekistan’s youth (47.5%) prefer to watch foreign films (37.3% – modern, 10.2% – films of the 20th century), while 39% of youth like to watch national films.  

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The Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel is included in the list of co-organizers of the international conference

  The Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel is included in the list of co-organizers of the international conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of B.M. Teplov, which laid the foundation for the differential study of the psychology of abilities in professional activity (musicians, teachers, military leaders…

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According to a study by the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel, 29.2% of young people who find themselves in difficult life situations seek help from close relatives and family members, 23.8% – ask God for help, 12.3% – believe in themselves and only 9.2% – stated that they can…

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EU Youth Coordinator nominated!

The European Union (EU) Commission has nominated Ms Biliana Sirakova as the EU Youth Coordinator in order to strengthening cooperation in the field of youth and developing the knowledge and skills of young people.     The main tasks of the newly nominated Ms Biliana Sirakova from 1 June 2021 are to reinforce the cross-sectorial…

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  The “X-pert” group on psychological training, sociological research, scientific expertise, psychodiagnostics and the organization of round tables began its activity at the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel (for information, tel .: 71-232-61-40, 71-232 ) -61-29, 71-232-61-45).

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International youth indices: review

Research by the Institute for the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel shows that today various Indexes of an international and national character have been formed in the world, assessing the level of the state and development of youth: The Commonwealth Youth Development Index is measured by five indicators: levels…

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