At the initiative of the management of the joint-stock commercial bank “Ipoteka-Bank” roundtables are organized by professors and teachers of the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and Training of Prospective Personnel.
On June 29, a round table discussion on “The impact of popular culture on spirituality” was held in the conference hall of the head office of “Ipoteka Bank” JSCMB.
The round table was attended by M. Abdurahmanov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of “Ipoteka Bank” JSCMB, F. Bahramov, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board on Youth Affairs, and A. Usmanov, a researcher at the Institute for Youth Studies and Training of Prospective Personnel.
In the round table, the researcher of the institute A.Usmanov delivered a report on “The impact of popular culture on spirituality” directly to the staff of the bank’s management and remotely to employees of its branches through the platform “ZOOM”.
During the round table, participants’ questions were answered.
Cooperation between “Ipoteka Bank” JSCMB and the Institute for Youth Studies and Training of Prospective Personnel will continue in the future.