3-course doktorant(PhD):
Akhmedova Ra’no Aziz qizi (funded doctoral)
Specialization: 22.00.02 – Social Structure, Social Institutions and Lifestyle
Tasdiqlangan dissertatsiya mavzusi: Information and communication space as a mechanism for improving the well-being of youth in Uzbekistan.
Ilmiy rahbar: Scientific advisor: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor A.P.Seitov
Diyorov Sardorbek Khusanboy o’g‘li (funded doctoral)
Specialization: 23.00.01. – Theory and Philosophy of Politics. History and Methodology of Political Doctrines.
Approved dissertation topic: Issues of improving the higher education policy of Uzbekistan based on international standards.
Scientific advisor: Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor A.T.Jalilov
Approved dissertation topic: Improving organizational and economic mechanisms for involving youth in innovative activities.
Scientific advisor: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor A. J. Khahhorov