The main tasks of the Institute for Research of the Youth Problems and Training Prospective Personnel under Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:
– studying the problems of the youth in the republic, preparing information analytical materials and scientific research in order to develop scientifically based recommendations for solving these problems;
– formation of a database of prospective young personnel of public authorities, state and economic management bodies and public organizations in the regions, developing a monitoring system for their professional development, developing proposals for managerial positions based on professional skills and personal qualities these cadres;
– creation of training courses for retraining and advanced training for young generations of state bodies, state and economic management bodies and public organizations on the basis of developed curriculum and programs, preparing of educational and methodical manuals on professional development of young managers;
– development of international cooperation and partnerships in the field of implementation of public youth policy in order to introduce the advanced methods of studying problems and solutions.