International scientific and practical conference:« Strategy of implementation of the state youth policy: current situation and prospects of development»
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute for research of the youth problems and training prospective personnel, and Uzbekistan youth union in accordance with the state program for implementation of the national action strategy on five priority development areas of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 years, on the fifth point – the further development of the social sphere, indicated in the President’s Address to Oliy Majlis, as well as the Plan of scientific and science and technology conferences for 2019 year, confirmed by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan from February 25, 2019 № 133-F, on June 14-15 of the current year at the Youth Creativity Palace will held international conference on topic: «Strategy of implementation of the state youth policy: current situation and prospects of development».
The conference will be organized in the following areas:
Section 1: The main directions of the implementation of youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan: problems and solutions (increasing the political knowledge and culture of youth, ensuring active youth participation in political processes, analysis of the work completed on the comprehensive support of youth and the protection of legitimate interests, increase activity of youth in the reforms of building a democratic state and the development of civil society).
Section 2: Problems of the effectiveness of work to improve legal awareness and the legal culture of young people (role of the education system in the formation of legal consciousness and legal culture of young people, youth political literacy, problems of development of legal education in families, legal protection of young people in the mass media and its role in shaping the legal culture of youth, role of the government and public organizations in raising their legal awareness).
Section 3: Ways to improve financial mechanisms for the implementation of youth policy (existing problems of attracting young people to entrepreneurship and ways to overcome them, analysis of the current situation and problems in financing youth business projects and start-ups, the current state of implementation of the State program “Yoshlar – kelajagimiz” and development trends, ensuring continuity between science and entrepreneurship of young people, enhancing the role of the education system in promoting entrepreneurial skills among young people).
Section 4: Support for small business and private entrepreneurship, as well as coordination of the labor market as factors of youth employment. Foreign experience (analysis of the current status of the youth employment system and increasing its effectiveness, regulatory framework and mechanisms for the implementation of small business and private entrepreneurship, increasing role and the importance of small business and private entrepreneurship in youth employment, development of high-tech entrepreneurial activities, international experience of involving young people in entrepreneurial activities).
The order of conduct of the scientific and practical conference: The conference will be held at the Palace of Youth Creativity on June 14-15, 2019. Representatives of ministries, departments, organizations, institutions, international organizations, embassies of foreign states in Uzbekistan representatives of youth organizations from Uzbekistan, Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, young scientists, doctoral students, independent researchers and graduate students.will participate in this conference.
Scientific and technical articles of the participants of the scientific-practical conference are accepted in accordance with the requirements:
- Scientific articles should be submitted on current topics of conference areas, based on scientific analysis and complete ideas, with suggestions and recommendations.
- Scientific articles are accepted with at least one review from the best specialist in this field.
- The text of the article should be prepared in the editor Microsoft Word. The page format is A4 .: 2 cm above and below, 3 cm on the left, 1.5 cm on the right, in one copy. The title of the article should be written in capital letters. After an interval of one and a half intervals, the name and patronymic of the author is written in capital letters, after the interval the name of the organization (place of work or educational institution) and the name of the city, 1.5 intervals are left, and the text is written 1.5 interval.
- An electronic copy of the text should be written in MS Word format, in Times New Roman font, 14 kegel, at least 3 pages and no more
6 pages. An electronic copy of the article in the annex with a scanned copy of the review (PDF) should be sent to
- Articles are checked on the program antiplagiat.
- Deadline for submitting materials is May 20, 2019, to the Organizing Committee of the Institute (Tashkent, I. Karimov st., 45).
Articles combining advanced ideas will be published in a collection of scientific conferences.
Detailed information by phone numbers: (0371) 232-61-31, 232-61-45.