A roundtable discussion was organized with Murod Nazarov, the founder of the “Murad Buildings” company.

✅On January 7th of this year, a master class was organized for the students of the Institute’s advanced training course by Murod Nazarov, the founder of “Murad Buildings” company. The session covered topics such as business project implementation, personal development, effective time management, and financial literacy.   This workshop is designed to help young leaders…

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A recruitment is announced for the 2nd cycle of the 4-month retraining courses for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Documents will be accepted until February 14, 2025, through the departments of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, and the city of Tashkent, as well as through the district (city) departments. Candidates must be citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, have a higher education, be under…

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Defense of the Graduation Thesis on the Topic: “Improving the Organizational and Economic Mechanism for Developing Management Competencies in Civil Servants”

On December 24th of this year, Saidov Sarvar Khayrulloyevich defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, specializing in “Management” (08.00.13). During the defense process, the attendees discussed the relevant issues identified within the scope of the thesis topic and proposed solutions and suggestions for addressing these issues. The members…

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Globalization of the International Geopolitical Situation and Its Impact on the Life of Our Country

Taking into account that this year has been declared by the President of our country as the “Year of Supporting Youth and Business,” additional support will be provided for the proposals and initiatives of young employees in the internal affairs system. Furthermore, the cooperation between government bodies, public organizations, and scientific institutions with active youth…

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The Republic Scientific-Practical Conference on the topic “Modern Youth in the Context of Global Changes: Problems and Prospects” was held.

On November 22 of this year, a Republican scientific-practical conference titled “Modern Youth in the Context of Global Changes: Problems and Perspectives” was held at the Institute for the Study of Youth Problems and the Preparation of Prospective Personnel. The conference was attended by specialists and professors from various scientific research and educational organizations of…

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Institutning 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinlovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” nomli ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi

Yoshlar o‘rtasida ma’naviyatini yuksaltirish, ma’rifatparvarlik, bag‘rikenglik, mehr-muruvvat, bunyodkorlik kabi ezgu fazilatlar va qadriyatlarimizni keng targ‘ib qilish maqsadida joriy yilning 22-aprel kuni Muqimiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston davlat musiqali teatri bilan hamkorlikda 2-davra 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinglovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi.  

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