Institutning 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinlovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” nomli ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi

Yoshlar o‘rtasida ma’naviyatini yuksaltirish, ma’rifatparvarlik, bag‘rikenglik, mehr-muruvvat, bunyodkorlik kabi ezgu fazilatlar va qadriyatlarimizni keng targ‘ib qilish maqsadida joriy yilning 22-aprel kuni Muqimiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston davlat musiqali teatri bilan hamkorlikda 2-davra 4 oylik qayta tayyorlash o’quv kursi tinglovchilari uchun “Teatrda bir kun” ma’naviy-ma’rifiy tadbiri tashkil etildi.  

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The “Personel Reserve” program has begun its operation in Kazan, Tatarstan

  ✔️ The “Talent Reserve” program will run from April to September 2024, with 110 participants from various cities of the republic and several regions of Russia. ✔️ The program encompasses two tracks. The first track, “Creation and Development,” is for those with basic knowledge in the field of politics, while the second, “Expansion and…

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The effectiveness of the scientific activities of base doctoral students and independent researchers was studied by the professors and teachers of the Department of “Management Skills and Leadership Development ” at the Institute for research of the youth problems and training prospective personnel.

The effectiveness of the scientific activities of base doctoral students and independent researchers was studied by the professors and teachers of the Department of “Management Skills and Leadership Development ” at the Institute for research of the youth problems and training prospective personnel. ✅ Each base doctoral student and independent researcher was spoken to individually,…

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The head of the Department for the Implementation and Coordination of the Five Initiatives Projects at the Central Apparatus of the Youth Affairs Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sherzod Murodullayevich Olimov, conducted a seminar on “The Normative-Legal Foundations of State Youth Policy in Uzbekistan.”

✅On April 2nd of this year, for the attendees of the retraining course for prospective personnel at the Institute, Sherzod Murodullayevich Olimov, head of the Department for the Implementation and Coordination of the Five Initiatives Projects at the Central Apparatus of the Youth Affairs Agency, held a seminar and master class on “The Normative-Legal Foundations…

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A seminar is organized by Head of the Press Service of the Central Electoral Commission, Alimbayev Murodilla Muhamadaminovych on topic “The concept of etiquette and the main features of international etiquette”

On April 1 of this year, the head of the press service of the Central Election Commission Alimbayev Murodilla Muhammadaminovich organized a seminar on the topic “the concept of etiquette and the main features of international etiquette”, that is, a master class. “for participants in the course of retraining promising personnel of the Institute. This…

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